Be an Inspiration! Be a Volunteer!

When you give something back, you give yourself a new sense of purpose, learn valuable new skills and make new friends. We believe that everybody has something to give and to gain.
The level of your involvement is entirely up to you. We have volunteering opportunities for people of all ages and walks of life, enabling you to share your skills, knowledge and life experiences with people from across the globe. From a simple set of extra hands to a true involvement in the everyday lives of newcomers, as a volunteer with MAGMA you will get as much out of the experience as will the people and community you’ll be helping.

Becoming a Volunteer?

Visit the MAGMA Website to get an idea of what we do for our clients and the community.

Review our volunteer programs below to see how you would like to participate.

Create an account in the MAGMA Volunteer Portal by clicking "Sign in / Register" above.

Access your Volunteer Dashboard to complete the Volunteer Application Wizard after registering.

Complete your volunteer training through our U-MAGMA platform and learn how to report child abuse.

Your application will be reviewed and approved by our Volunteer Coordinator. Keep an eye out for upcoming volunteer opportunities!

Volunteer Programs

Helping Hands

One of the biggest help areas that MAGMA makes use of its volunteers are for various activities we call Helping Hands. Includes helping during events like the Mosaiq Festival and other logistical assistance:
  • Classroom re-orientation
  • Painting
  • Covid-screening
  • Emergency food box deliveries
  • Donation drives

Settlement and Family Connections

At MAGMA, we help new families get settled in whether they be immigrant or refugee families. Moving thousands of miles, either voluntarily, or more so, without any choice, is a lonely journey. Among the support programs we have which volunteers can help with are the following:

  • Long-term connection and support for refugee families
  • Encouragement in social, recreational, and physical activities
  • Life skills support
  • Provide friendship and support to avoid depression, anxiety and culture shock

Workplace Integration

Share your business skills, leadership and experience by taking part in mock interviews and working with our employment and business start-up programs.

Language Connections

With the Greater Moncton area considered a bilingual community, helping newcomers excel in English, one of Canada’s official languages, is a must for all. Outside of MAGMA’s regular English language sessions, MAGMA also makes use of volunteers in the following language activities:

  • In-Class sessions as additional support for some students
  • English Conversation Circles
  • Assist in the care for newcomer children while parents are in the English classes.

School and Youth

MAGMA provides support for newcomer youth so they can stay on top of school life, as well as life in general, when they made the big move to the Greater Moncton area. Our volunteers are critical in helping them with learning, adjusting in their community, their schools, and their studies.

  • Youth one-on-one tutorials
  • Homework Hotspot group activities
  • Mentorship program

Cultural Connections

As a multicultural organization, we celebrate diversity and cultures! Volunteers share their passion on cultural activities, as well as share and teach new skill sets to help our newcomers:

  • Ladies Night or Family Potluck Night
  • Sewing
  • Arts and Crafts

Volunteer Coordinator
Maria de Fatima Lima
22 Church Street, Suite C170 | Moncton NB, E1C-0P7